Friday, May 16, 2014

Week-end tallies: Second week in review

This was a hectic week for me, between Joe's birthday, Mother's day, Joe working half the weekend and us getting ready for a visit from my parents. Add in a baby who is working on cutting another tooth and two nights of insomnia for me, and it wasn't a very productive week at all!

I was able to dig a few things out of the mistake box to make a couple quick pieces, though, and I added a couple things to the project shop, so there's still a little forward momentum there.
I'll be blogging next week about the mistake box, so you can hear all about what it is and how I use it then.

For now, though, here's a pair of things that were new to the shop this week.

Pink acrylic crystal earrings, $5

Wrapped sodalite pendant, $20
Deciding to part with the sodalite pendant was tough, actually. It was the very first wire-wrapped piece I ever made, and while I always intended to add it to something fancier and keep it for myself, I realized I've just fallen out of love with it. It isn't exactly what I hoped for, so it's time to move on. I have other cabochons to try again with in the future, and that's a venture I plan to share in the coming weeks, if I have time to get to it!

All in all, the tallies for this week are small. I spent 80 cents listing things in the shop, and the value of things added comes to $65. No sales this week, but since we were so busy, I had no time to promote the project. No surprise there. :)
Here's hoping next week is bigger and better!

Total value of items made: $211.00
Total expenses to run business: $49.87
Total income: $20.00

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