About Me

It seems like I've written a dozen of these, and maybe I have, but usually in third person. Not this time! Let's try something different, shall we?

My name is Beth.
My story began in a blustery Midwestern January in the late 80s, and nothing of remarkable interest happened until about 21 years later, when I married the love of my life!

I share a cozy little house with my husband, toddler daughter, a big dog and a tortoiseshell tabby cat.
I'm a big fan of crafts, as if this blog didn't tell you that. I also enjoy books, American muscle cars, and I recently took up drinking tea.

Aside from making crafts, I'm also an artist, an author, and a novice photographer.

We have a pretty normal life. After my husband finished school, I left my retail job at a major craft supply chain to be a stay-at-home mother and it's been lovely ever since, though it means we're pursuing our dreams at a slower pace.

I started the Crafts to Riches project to assist those dreams, in hopes of earning money to put toward a downpayment on a home in a cleaner, safer part of the city.

Aside from someday moving into that dream home, my life's ambitions involve writing and publishing the other 18 books in my head, owning a 1960s Mustang convertible, and someday, getting the laundry caught up.

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