Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Remaking mistakes

Not everything I create looks as good in reality as it does in my head.

Sometimes they turn out great! For the most part, I'm happy with my results, and I'm pleased to be able to photograph, list and show off what I've made.

Yellow flower earrings, $9

Then there are times when I create something, step back, and say what was I thinking?

Even worse, though, are the projects that look great at first glance. I think they turned out well, came together just how I imagined them, and everything ought to be grand...
Except it turns out my vision is what was flawed.

Not quite the stunning outcome I hoped for.
These scenarios happen to everyone, but it's important to remember that not all is lost! There's a few things you can do to fix it whenever these mistakes happen.

Take a break.
It might seem counter-intuitive, but it's the most valuable thing I took away from college. Whenever I began to get frustrated with how a drawing or painting was working out in class, my teacher would encourage me to put it aside, goof off in the classroom, step outside for a quick walk on campus, or sneak off to place a quick call to my fiancé (Now husband.) After a bit of a break, the problems are usually glaringly obvious when you come back.

Rework it.
Take something apart, add different elements, rearrange the pieces. Sometimes you were close, just not quite there, and reworking something after a little break is all you need to do.

Remake it.
If you start over from scratch, some of the problems that hindered you the first time won't be a problem any more. Sometimes creating something without these bumps in the road can give much better results.

Reclaim it.
No matter the craft, pieces can usually be salvaged from projects that just didn't work right. For me, I can easily recover findings like clasps and earring wires, in addition to any beads used. If anything, my losses are wire used for stringing, and occasionally some crimp beads.

Don't get discouraged.
Everyone makes mistakes. Not everything works out perfectly, no matter how much practice you have. Try again, because as long as you keep working at it, you'll see success eventually!

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