Friday, August 1, 2014

Week-end tallies:Thirteenth week in review

What, thirteen?! Where did eleven and twelve go?
Shame on me, the weeks were so busy I didn't have a chance to write about them at all. But that's okay, because I didn't make much progress, either! That's the thing about busy weeks, they're either busy with the shop or too busy for the shop.
But week 13 saw some advancement!

After sending off a sale, there's a delightful thing to report: The next milestone!
Yes, the shop has finally reached one hundred dollars in income. That's one tenth of the total goal for this project! Of course, it's both a good and a bad thing - As great as it is to reach this landmark, it also puts some things into perspective. For example, since it took 13 weeks to hit the $100 mark, that means at this rate, it'll be another two and a half years before we reach the $1,000 mark.


But hey, one step at a time, right? It's still forward momentum and a great bit of progress, so there's no shame in that. Plus, I think starting a new month with a landmark at our feet and a bunch of new ideas and prospects is a great way to go, so... Onward!

Total value of items made: $716.00
Total expenses to run business: $60.16
Total income: $103.00

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