Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Week-end tallies: Ninth week in review

That's how many items are now listed in the project shop. That's halfway to my goal of 100 items, and I'm super excited to have made it!

June was a crazy busy month here, which means my stock of photos and products has run dry, but I'm going to be working to rectify that this week. I always work best by making a day where I photograph 20-30 pieces, then I try to sprinkle new listings through the week. I do have a plan for shop activity, which I'll be sharing here soon - This week, if I'm able.

In the meantime, here's the lucky earrings that got to be item #50:

Green crystal drop earrings, $9
How great that they're even green, the color of luck.
That's it for this update, though - Aside from a few new listings, there's nothing going on here, though I am working on fleshing out details for a few custom orders. Here's hoping everything pans out, because hitting that $100 milestone is so close!

Total value of items made: $716.00
Total expenses to run business: $60.16
Total income: $78.00

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